Monday, 31 March 2014

Herbalife and the Sales tactics scandal

Herbalife Ltd - BidnessEtc
Herbalife International is a US based company which deals in the development, manufacturing and marketing of health and skin care products. The company is traded on New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) with the ticker ‘HLF’ and the HLF stock price is currently at $54. The company has market capitalization of over $5.5 billion. The company has been very successful since its inception with sales rocketing over $4 billion in the previous year. The company has a diverse distribution network with distributors in over 91 countries. Herbalife has a multi-level marketing strategy in which the company’s distributors can earn additional commissions from the distributors under them. The company has recently been facing allegations by the public that the company is using illegal practices for its marketing strategy. The supporters of the Multi-Level Marketing strategy are in the favor of the company while the others which are not in the favor of this strategy are usually the short sellers and to some extent their strategy has worked because HLF stock has lost over $10 since the court battles on the issue started. Herbalife’s major stakeholder LCAHN has declared the company a very good investment in the long term and said that these issue are not of much importance since the allegations are not very authentic and the court will be in their favor.


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